Wire Rope

Super Flex Pac 35 Wire Rope

Super Flex Pac 35 Wire Rope[/responsive]Strands: 35
Wires per strand:
Standard grade(s):
2160 N/mm2
Lay: Right Regular

SFP 35 is a rotation-resistant rope of high strength that can resist block twist in long falls. SFP 35 provides:

Superior Rotation Resistance—the SFP 35 rope is the most rotation resistant rope provided by Assembly Specialty. Due to its rotation resistant properties, SFP 35 may be used with a swivel in both single part and multipart reeving.

High Strength. The compaction process provides a high strength rope which exceeds EEIP nominal breaking strength.

Application. SFP 35 excels in crawler and truck-type crane load lines, and tower crane hoist ropes.

Flexibility. SFP 35’s multiple strand construction provides increased flexibility which improves service life and high speed spooling. The compacted compacted multiple strand construction also reduces sheave and drum abrasion and provides excellent resistance to drum crushing.